Movie Synopsis
Season of the Witch is the hollywood movie who tells about a noble knight battles a wicked witch in a bid to save humanity from an ancient evil in this supernatural thriller starring Nicolas Cage and Ron Perlman. Upon returning to his home in Europe, crusading knight Behmen (Cage) finds his faith beginning to falter due to the brutality he's witnessed on the battlefield. The Black Plague has decimated the countryside, forcing Behmen and his loyal companion, Felson (Perlman), to seek sustenance and supplies at the Palace of Marburg. They're weary from war, but they're about to discover that their struggle is just beginning. Commanded by the moribund Cardinal to deliver a suspected witch to the abbey where her powers can be abolished, Behman accepts the assignment under the condition that the young peasant girl will receive a fair trial. The church believes the girl to be the one responsible for the Black Plague, and they may be right, too. As the two men and a small group of chaperones set out on their arduous mission, they quickly realize that their young charge is something more than human, and that they're about to face an evil beyond human comprehension.Movie Info
Title............. : Season of the Witch DVDRip
Director......... : Dominic Sena
Writer........... : Bragi F. Schut
Genre............ : Action | Adventure | Fantasy
Release.......... : 19 January 2011 (Indonesia)
Movie Cast
Nicolas Cage as Behmen
Ron Perlman sa Felson
Stephen Campbell Moore as Debelzaq
Stephen Graham as Hagamar
Ulrich Thomsen as Eckhart
Claire Foy as The Girl
Title............. : Season of the Witch DVDRip
Director......... : Dominic Sena
Writer........... : Bragi F. Schut
Genre............ : Action | Adventure | Fantasy
Release.......... : 19 January 2011 (Indonesia)
Movie Cast
Nicolas Cage as Behmen
Ron Perlman sa Felson
Stephen Campbell Moore as Debelzaq
Stephen Graham as Hagamar
Ulrich Thomsen as Eckhart
Claire Foy as The Girl
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