Movie Synopsis
Petty Romance is the Korean movie that tells story about an adult cartoon contest is announced offering a W130 million prize. Da-Rim (Choi Gang-Hee) does translation work for an adult magazine. Da-Rim wants to become a writer. Due to her creativity, Da-Rim is always making mistakes and gets fired by company. Talented cartoonist Jung-Bae (Lee Sun-Gyun) is constantly turned down by publishing companies because of his poor story lines. The two, who seemed perfectly matched, team up for the adult cartoon contest. Trouble is set to brew.
Movie Info
Title............. : Petty Romance
Director......... : Kim Jung Hoon
Writer........... : Kim Jung-Hoon
Genre............ : Romance, Komedi
Release.......... : December 2, 2010
Movie Cast
Lee Sun-Gyun as Jung-Bae
Choi Gang-Hee as Da-Rim
Ryu Hyun-Kyung as Kyung-Sun
Song Yoo-Ha as Jong-Soo
Title............. : Petty Romance
Director......... : Kim Jung Hoon
Writer........... : Kim Jung-Hoon
Genre............ : Romance, Komedi
Release.......... : December 2, 2010
Movie Cast
Lee Sun-Gyun as Jung-Bae
Choi Gang-Hee as Da-Rim
Ryu Hyun-Kyung as Kyung-Sun
Song Yoo-Ha as Jong-Soo
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